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conjured . manifested . invoked

e-book . 13,800 words


MOTHWINGS AND CONJURES is a collection of nine short works of fiction capturing the darkest of human emotion with the monsters in the dark.

In "Ugly Lipstick," the spirits of two scorned lovers are trapped for eternity with one another. Caged together in the dingy hotel room that served as the scene for their adulterous acts, will they learn to exist with their own demons—and each other—or will their own poisonous acts further tarnish their everlasting souls?

A young, arrogant, tooth fairy prepares for the promotion of his life in "Baby Teeth and Coffee Stains." He is up to become a Fairy Godmother and leave his seemingly tedious life behind, wanting to be on top of the corporate food chain. But will his own personal monsters hinder him, staining his reputation like coffee spilled on paper, or will he get his own 'magic wand' and finally be living up to his own personal idea of potential?

Glamour, subterfuge, and heartache take center stage in "Hunter," where Jordan enters an amorous competition in attempts to save what's closest to his heart. The price? His life given to the monstrous, beautiful creature that would claim his entire being in exchange for one wish. What happens, though, when what needs to be done is thrown against what's best for unconditional love?


Not all monsters hide in the shadows. Not all questions have clear answers. And, sometimes, not all dreams become more than nightmares. 

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